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A total of 144,970 enlisted men and officers served in the U.S. Navy Armed Guard during World War II. They sailed on 6,236 merchant ships (including Allied vessels), of which more than 700 ships were sunk and many more were damaged. Armed Guard casualties numbered at least 1,810 killed or missing in action and many more wounded, a casualty rate that grimly rivals the casualty rate of any of the Armed Forces during World War II. Some sources place casualty totals even higher.

Prior to the beginning of World War II there about 55,000 civilian sailors employed in the U.S. Merchant Marine. This number increased to as many as 250,000 men who served in the U.S. merchant marine by the end of the war. A pre-war merchant fleet of 1,340 cargo ships and tankers expanded to at least 4,221 U.S. merchant ships by the end of World War II.

Information from

There are many stories that have never been told. If you have a story, or if your know, or knew, someone that has a story, please email it to me. All stories will be verified before being included in this blog, so please, submit as much factual information as possible.

Individuals stories are also being requested. These may not be easily verified, but they do give perspective from the serviceman's point of view.

If you have any questions please email me.

If you have any news that could be pertinent to the veterans, please email it to me.

In the subject line of the email, please put "Veteran's Information".

Thank you.